“Take him back. Let him stay on Earth for a while.” – Encounter with God

“I could hear the roaming and vibration sound of multitudes from inside like the sound and vibrations of honeybees in their hive and that light originates from there.”

I am writing this Testimony as an encouragement for people who are currently going through the shadow of death, and to help build the faith of God’s people who already know Christ, who is the life and resurrection. I am also writing to those people who always question about God’s existence, and to those who feel very desperate and question God why He doesn’t respond during their challenging moments in life as they desire. I feel to share in this season one of my best encounter with God which I don’t forget and kept for years personally. I was 4th year student at the moment and I saw a vision of light extended from the top mountain to the ground forming a straight line to where I was. It come from the top of very tall mountain which seem filled the whole Earth. Below that, there were also countless mountains and deep valleys in position to the earth. The light was extended straight over those top mountains and over those scary deep valleys until reaching out to me. I was taken straight up through that light and found myself on the top of that tallest mountain. This always reminds me the following Bible verse:

“Send me your light and your faithful care, let them lead me; let them bring me to your holy mountain, to the place where you dwell.” – (Psalm 43:3)

Let Your Light and Truth Guide Me to The Place Where You Dwell P
Let Your Light and Truth Guide Me to The Place Where You Dwell Psalm 43-3-4

Then I came to a big Sanctuary (Temple like housing) on the very top of the mountain which looks circle all around. I could hear the roaming and vibration sound of multitudes from inside like the sound and vibrations of honeybees in their hive and that light originates from there. In front of this roaming busy Sanctuary, there were Angels of God with bright white clothing, and they were lined up on both right and left side of the out coming light.  After I passed them, following the light I followed from the ground, I approached the front door. Then I heard the voice of the LORD coming out and said: “Take him back. Let him stay on Earth for a while.” Within a flash of second I found myself on Earth’s ground standing on my feet. What amazed me was, the LORD himself was now with me on the ground, standing tall and like a Father. And He was responding yes to all what I asked for him at the moment. It was a covenant that he promised to always be with me in lack and prosperity ; in valleys and mountains of life on earth.

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On Matthew 28:20, when Our Lord Jesus Christ gave the great commission to his disciples, he promised that he will be with them even to the very end of the ages/ the world. Not only to them. But the scripture reminds us in many places that, this promise and the promise of the Holy Spirit is for all people who come to God in repentance through Jesus Christ our Lord, who is the only way and who take away the sin of the world. Amen.

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Friend, God is real, and He is on His Holy mountain and in His Holy Temple. His eyes are everywhere and He is in control of his creation. He knows everything and about all people on earth. He knows you well including the life you are going through right now. Without his knowledge nothing takes place under heaven. He has power and keys in His hand to lock or to unlock events (Read Book of Revelation for end time events). Our life on earth is full of ups and downs, and he knows that very well. Jesus said, Without him we can do nothing.

“Without Me you can do nothing.” – JESUS(John 15:5)

That is why we need him every day and why he promised us to be with us always even to the very end of the ages. No matter what, in all we go through and experience in life, we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. In fact, this is true only if we are already in His eternal plan of salivation. It is “much better” if we go and live with God as Apostle Paul said in the Bible. But it is “better” if we stay here on earth to do God’s will for the benefit of others: it could be for our family, our community and for the people in the world whom we encounter in our life time so that we can be the salt and light in this challenging world.

Hard moments and seasons teach us to stop and deeply search our own hearts in true repentance, to self check if that challenge originates from our own sin. Or hard seasons  remind us to stand firm and wait on the Lord. Because God can use any situations to strengthen our faith through tough tests and trials of this world system.  or through trials caused by the devil: who is the evil prince of the air and this world system. When in that position: humility, patience and prayers has to play a big role, so that at the end we understand that all thing works out for our own good and benefit. To those who love God and called according to his will, there is always victory and hope and at the end.

But if we don’t have Christ in our life, if we are still not in God’s salivation plan, because of our own way of life, culture, fear of men, religion, pride, or luck of information, etc..in fact, we continue to face great dangers and terrible judgment of God here on earth or on the other side forever: which will be separation from God forever in hell fire and darkness. But thank God, we have chances right now, right here where we are to repent from all our sin in the Name of Jesus. The Bible says, today is the day of Salivation and the day of God’s favor. Friend you may not get chance tomorrow. God asks all people to repent now and today. The scripture tells us that God is so patient for he don’t want any one to perish; but he wants for all come to him, repent from their sin and through faith in his only son and live forever with him.  Ask Jesus to come to your life and to forgive all your sins: past and present. After making this very important decision, join a community of faithful people who have Christ in their life and who worship God in the Spirit and Truth. Have constant fellowship with Christ believers who purely preach the good news of our Lord Jesus Christ in Holy Spirit and power. Then get the hard copy of the Bible or find one online.

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Once you get a bible, then study! study! study! from cover to cover. That is what I did long years ago, even if I was not a believer. The story of Jesus in the New Testament books always amazes me, and I read my little Bible from cover to cover when I was 9th grade student before I come to Christ. God also commands us to learn and to always memorize on His Holy word to strengthen, grow and build our faith. But we must find and join the church around us where we can learn, grow together with saints to keep our Holy faith to the end. One thing I must strongly mention and what identifies a true believer is, after our first faith in Christ, I urge to also get Baptism in the Holy Spirit and Fire. That is the Key and what God has promised long ago in his prophets to all humanity, after being saved through faith in Christ our Lord, who is the truth and the only way.

“And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your young men shall see visions, Your old men shall dream dreams.” – (Joel 2; Acts 2:17)

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Glory, power and honor belongs to our God and to the Lamb. God bless you.


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