Battle with beast and the victory

“Surely I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” – JESUS (Mt. 28:20)

Years ago while I work for Rigional weather station, I had weekly fasting and overnight prayers in our Bible study leader’s house every Monday. The city had lots of bitting small mosquitos; and people get sick, some even die from the virus bearer Mosquitos.

One day after our fervent prayers and after we got charged in the Spirit, we all went to sleep we all went to sleep after ending our prayers in that late night. I used to sleep right in our prayer room as my home is a little far. While the light was on and my face was outside, I saw a virus bearer Mosquito flying from the inside roof and coming to me. How I knew? This time, I was not in the physical realm. I tried to hide my face but I couldn’t escape. Right after sitting on my face, it turned out in to a heated battle with a multi colored huge beast(looks like a harmful fat tiger).


The good thing was, I had more power and burried the beast in the dust on the first round. Then he got up and started another battled with me. Then I overpowered again and burried him twice. He got up again for the third time fight, but on the third battle I burried the beast and disappeared forever in the dust from my eye. I well understood that it was not me, but the power of Christ in me, that defeated that evil beast.

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I always remember that event in my life and used to tell those victims with the same essue and others in the area that God is more powerful than any sicknesses and the power of the devil. After 1 year and 9 months of work, I left the region with complete health. We exist not because we are good, smart, strong, nor because our soul enemy satan is merciful; but because of Christ our savior and life giver. If we belong to him, under His authority and command, we continue to exist on this earth and in the coming new world in His Kingdom reigning in life forever. Glory to God!

The Kingdom
The Kingdom of God
